
E-Jurnal Nasional Sistem Informasi Akreditasi Sinta Dikti

  1. Jurnal Sistem Informasi (Journal of Information System)
  2. Communications In Science and Technology
  3. Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications
  4. COMMIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal
  5. IJCCS (Indonesian Journal of Computing and Cybernetics Systems)
  6. Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Business Intelligence
  7. Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronics and Control
  8. Makara Journal of Technology
  9. EXPERT: Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi
  10. INFORMASI (Jurnal Informatika dan Sistem Informasi) 
  11. Explore: Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Telematika (Telekomunikasi, Multimedia dan Informatika)
  12. INTENSIF: Jurnal Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi Sistem Informasi
  13. Jurnal Sistem Informasi (Journal of Information System)
  14. JSINBIS (Jurnal Sistem Informasi Bisnis)
  15. Jurnal Sisfokom (Sistem Informasi dan Komputer)
  16. Sistemasi: Jurnal Sistem Informasi
  17. JATISI (Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi)
  18. JURTEKSI (Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi)
  19. Jurnal AKSI (Akuntansi dan Sistem Informasi) 
  20. IJIS - Indonesian Journal On Information System
  21. CBIS (Computer Based Information System Journal)
  22. Computatio: Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems
  23. Applied Information System and Management 
  24. Journal The Winners: Economics, Business, Management, and Information System Journal
  25. Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Business Intelligence
  26. Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronics and Control
  27. Indonesian Journal of Information System
  28. Pilar Nusa Mandiri: Journal of Computing and Information System
  29. RESEARCH: Computer, Information System & Technology Management
  30. Applied Information System and Management
  31. JOINS (Journal Of information System)
  32. (JELIKU) Jurnal Elektronik Ilmu Komputer Udayana
  33. BIOS: Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Rekayasa Komputer
  34. Informatika: Jurnal Informatika, Manajemen dan Komputer
  35. InComTech: Jurnal Telekomunikasi dan Komputer
  36. Elkom: Jurnal Elektronika dan Komputer
  37. Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer
  38. Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Komputer
  39. TELKOMNIKA Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  40. IJAIN (International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics)
  41. International Journal of Technology
  42. JOIN (Jurnal Online Informatika)
  43. JUITA: Jurnal Informatika
  44. Khazanah Informatika: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Informatika
  45. JEPIN (Jurnal Edukasi dan Penelitian Informatika)
  46. Matrik: Jurnal Manajemen, Teknik Informatika dan Rekayasa Komputer
  47. Jurnal Penelitian Pos dan Informatika
  48. Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI)
  49. Jurnal Media Informatika Budidarma
  50. Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer
  51. Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Komputer
  52. Lontar Komputer: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi
  53. Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Informasi
  54. SIMETRIS: Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Elektro dan Ilmu Komputer
  55. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  56. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  57. ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications
  58. Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronics and Control
  59. Computer Science and Information Technologies
  60. CESS (Journal of Computer Engineering, System and Science)
  61. CSRID (Computer Science Research and Its Development Journal)
  62. Computer Engineering and Applications Journal (ComEngApp)
  63. Journal of Computer Science and Informatics Engineering (J-Cosine)
  64. JSR: Jaringan Sistem Informasi Robotik
  65. Abdiformatika: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Informatika
  66. Bianglala Informatika
  67. Antivirus: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Informatika
  68. Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi dan Robotika (JIFTI)
  69. International Journal of Robotics and Control Systems
  70. Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) 
  71. IAES International Journal of Robotics and Automation (IJRA)
  72. International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics
  73. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
  74. JOIV: International Journal on Informatics Visualization
  75. Indonesian Journal of Electical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
  76. Scientific Journal of Informatics
  77. Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education)
  78. Bulletin of Social Informatics Theory and Application
  79. JITE (Journal of Informatics and Telecommunication Engineering)
  80. (IJAI) Indonesian Journal of Applied Informatics
  81. Building of Informatics, Technology and Science (BITS)
  82. Aisyah Journal Of Informatics and Electrical Engineering (A.J.I.E.E)
  83. IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI) 
  84. Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences 
  85. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJASEIT) 
  86. International Journal Artificial Intelligence Research
  87. Indonesian Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining
  88. JMAI (Jurnal Multimedia dan Artificial Intelligence)
  89. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJAI)
  90. ASEAN Journal on Science and Tecnology for Development
  91. International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems
  92. Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology
  93. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
  94. Journal of ICT Research and Applications
  95. MATRIK: Jurnal Manajemen, Teknik Informatika dan Rekayasa Komputer
  96. Jurnal Aplikasi Statistika dan Komputasi Statistik
  97. Register: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Sistem Informasi
  98. Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi)
  99. JUTI: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi
  100. IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science
  101. Limits : Journal Of Mathematics and its Applications